Would reducing your company’s expenses, having a dependable support service, and increasing overall profits assist your company maintain its competitive edge? Kan Du Group performs a variety of light manufacturing, assembly and order fulfillment services. What can we do for you? We can do the tasks that slow your production lines down in our production facility. We can do work assignments as a team at your location. We can do so much!
Partnering with Kan Du Group is a win-win for your business and our community. While Kan Du is assisting your business’ efficiency, the jobs and projects you provide give our trained support team the tools needed for teaching job skills to adults with developmental disabilities. While working for you, each person on the production line is supervised and learning concepts related to work including responsibility, attendance, task completion, problem solving, social interaction, motor skill development, safety and of course, skills.
Kan Du offers a team of people eager and ready to work. People who love to work, love coming to work and excel in reliably and efficiently completing labor intensive projects that tend to slow your business’ production lines down. Kan Du can do the projects you don’t have the time, space, or manpower to do, freeing your facility to take on other projects. For added convenience, take advantage of our pickup and delivery services.
Trained staff ensure that we are meeting your expectations; because we understand that quality customer care is the foundation of success. Kan Du Group offers competitive pricing, and a support staff dedicated to maintaining your competitive edge. Kan Du Group is your go to support system for sub-contracting needs.
For more information on our business services or to discuss how contracting with Kan Du can benefit your business, contact us at contactus@kandugroup.org or call 419-42KANDU, that’s 419-425-2638 ext 3001 to see what we Kan Du for you!