Wherever you are on your journey to employment, Kan Du provides skills training and experiences in many areas for people with developmental disabilities or employment barriers. We are here to help program enrollees learn skills to ultimately seek community and private employment based on each person’s career goals. Kan Du is here to educate, train or re-train individuals to gain employment, increase skills and enrich lives.
Some of the most popular areas of interest are featured in our training center; manufacturing, clerical, retail, janitorial, hospitality, and restaurant careers to name a few.
In addition to our career training center, Kan Du is proud to have a diverse workforce bringing real life work experience from a variety of career fields. Our backgrounds represent healthcare, factory, social work, physical therapy, education, retail, restaurant, hospitality, fine arts, graphic design, maintenance and more. Each team member brings their unique abilities and experience to the Kan Du blend. This priceless resource results in abundant resources for learning.
For more information on our job training services or to discuss how an adult day program can benefit you, contact us at contactus@kandugroup.org or call 419-42KANDU, that’s 419-425-2638 to see what we Kan Du for you!