Hiring can be challenging and expensive. Kan Du can help. Whether you need short-term, seasonal help or an on-going production partner, Kan Du’ s supported work teams called Enclaves can help with a wide range of tasks at your location.
The goal of Kan Du Enclaves is to obtain jobs for people with developmental disabilities where they can work as a team while supervised by Kan Du staff. Kan Du helps Enclave team members retain those jobs through consistent training and coaching. Enclaves help to give the skills and confidence needed to successfully perform job duties in an integrated and competitive environment.
Hiring an Enclave helps build your business and your community. Working with Kan Du is simply good business. Your company benefits from our highly competitive rates, dedication to meeting deadlines, and quality workmanship, while transforming the employment landscape for the people we serve.
For more information on our business services or to discuss how hiring Kan Du can benefit your business, contact us at contactus@kandugroup.org or call 419-42KANDU, that’s 419-425-2638 ext 3001 to see what we Kan Du for you!