Kan Du teaches and helps adults with developmental disabilities learn and develop valuable work skills in their production locations. We have two production sites including one serving Hancock, Putnam, Wood and Wyandot counties in Findlay, Ohio on county road 99 and one serving Hardin county in Ada, Ohio on state route 235. Both locations offer an environment for adults with developmental disabilities to thrive in a productive, safe and person-centered workplace. Kan Du’s project-based work is through local and regional businesses. The work ranges from very basic to higher-functioning job tasks geared to help each person achieve income and progressive skill development. The work obtained helps Kan Du provide on-the-job training to advance program enrollees’ vocational skills while an income through completion of production work is achieved.
For more information on our production services or to discuss how an adult day program can benefit you, contact us at contactus@kandugroup.org or call 419-42KANDU, that’s 419-425-2638 to see what we Kan Du for you!